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Filming for a Novice

As part of my new brief for interaction design I tried my hand at filming as I have not done much of this throughout my first year at university and I kind of wanted to give it a go. As its such a great skill to have. If it wasn't for Alastairs' dolly, I would not have got the shots I did. However it took a lot of perseverance to get the shot I wanted. I wanted to get a great introductory shot and end shot because of the location being such a picturesque location. I wanted to take advantage of that. Plus we also found out that the science museum is okay with filming, we got a lot of interest whilst filming using the dolly which was cool. I found that you can buy the dolly on amazon for as little as £11 and you can buy motors to push them along. Was defiantly worth the experimentation and I now have some great shots to add to my portfolio.



Elementrix was created as MY Advertising blog for my Degree course At ravensbourn university.


I hope you will enjoy reading and viewing my work as i take you on my journey of development and design within my digital advertising and design course.


I have always believed that to thrive in todays industry you need to bring your personality, sense of creativity but most importantly to be versatile in an ever changing industry !   

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